Exaggeration and understatement


Exageración intencionada ante la realidad expuesta, a veces utilizada con moderación con el fin de llamar la atención al mensaje que se quiere enfatizar.


Unos ejemplos fáciles de exageración en inglés son:


I was so hungry, I could eat an elephant.

If I’ve told you once, I’ve told you a thousand times.


There are many examples of understatements used in everyday speech and writing. Explore some different examples of comedic, modest and polite understatements you might encounter.


You just hit the biggest lottery of all time! A modest understatement would be: "I'm kind of excited."


You are out to dinner with a friend who spills food down the front of her white shirt. A polite understatement would be: "Really, it's hardly noticeable."


You get the highest grade in the class. A modest understatement would be: "I did OK on that test."


You scrape the entire side of your car. A comedic understatement would be: "It is only a small scratch."


Describing a huge storm overnight, a comedic understatement would be: "Looks like it rained a bit last night."


You just had to work a double shift. A comedic understatement would be: "I just need to rest my eyes for a minute."


Your team wins the biggest game of the season. A modest understatement would be: "Yeah, we played pretty well today."


On the coldest day of the year with record low temperatures, a comedic understatement would be: "I might need a jacket today."


Your friend invites you over to see their new fixer-upper. You are shocked at the poor condition of the house. A polite understatement would be: “Oh, it will need some fresh paint.”


A person flips out in anger over a hockey game on television and breaks their TV. A comedic understatement would be: "I have a little bit of a temper."


You land your dream job after endless interviews and get offered a generous salary with lots of benefits. A modest understatement would be: "I am pretty happy with my new job offer."


Referring to Oprah Winfrey, a comedic understatement would be: "She has some money."

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