

Los determinantes son palabras como the , my , this , some , twenty , each , any , que se usan antes de los sustantivos. Los determinantes incluyen los siguientes tipos comunes:


Articles: a, an, the


Demonstratives: this, that, these, those


Possessives: my, your, his, her, etc.


Quantifiers: (a) few, some, many, etc.


Numbers: one, two, three, etc.


¿Qué hacen los determinantes?

Los determinantes tienen dos funciones principales: referir y cuantificar.



Referir significa mostrarnos a quién o qué está apuntando o hablando el sustantivo. Los tipos más comunes de determinantes que usamos para referirnos son artículos, posesivos y demostrativos:


Where’s the newspaper?


B: It’s on the sofa. (the means the noun refers to something the speaker and listener both know or are familiar with)


A: Have you seen my MP3 player anywhere?


B: Yes. It’s on the kitchen table. (my refers to something which belongs to the speaker; the refers to something the speaker and listener can both identify because they both know or share knowledge about it.)


Do you want this bag or are you going to put it in that box? (this refers to something near the speaker; that refers to something further away.)


Charles is looking for his dictionary. Have you got it? (his means the noun refers to something belonging to a male, in this case, Charles.)



'Cuantificar' significa mostrar cuánto hay de algo, o cuántos:


Five people were arrested during an anti-war demonstration in London today.


There are some letters here for you. (some means a non-specific, small number or quantity of something.)


Do you have enough flour to make the bread. (enough means a quantity that is sufficient or adequate for something).

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